Why Should Your Opinion Matter to Me?

In the one-act play, Imagined It To Be, a teenage boy and street hustler form an unlikely friendship that enhances their view of the world.

SEAN: I don’t have parents…I have grandparents…they take care of me.

DOUGLAS: That’s okay…you still cared for, ain’t ya?

SEAN shrugs.

(pointing) Whatch you reading there?

SEAN: Not for school.

DOUGLAS: What is it?

SEAN: A collection of short stories by Maupassant.


SEAN: French writer.

DOUGLAS: You read french?

SEAN: Yeah…

DOUGLAS: Oh sh’t. Always wanted to learn another language. Teach me somethin’, say something in french for me…

SEAN: I don’t want to.

DOUGLAS: (laughs) Reading is good for ya. Got nothin’ to say about readin’. I always loved me a good book, whenever I got the time for it, just sometimes the time ain’t ever there…you keep on reading, it’ll do you some good.

SEAN: Why should your opinion matter to me?

DOUGLAS: I’m somewhat older, anyone twice your age, no matter what they do, where they from, they got something to offer that you don’t have, experience.

SEAN: That’s fine.

DOUGLAS: Just talkin’ with ya.

SEAN: I don’t really care what you do…

DOUGLAS: You got some chip on your shoulder boy, what’s eatin’ at ya?

SEAN: Why do you wash car windows?

DOUGLAS: That’s my hustle.

SEAN: What do you do in the winter?

DOUGLAS: Different hustle.

SEAN: Why?

DOUGLAS: I like to drink, kid. If I can survive, I’m happy, just wanna survive and not get in anybody’s way.

SEAN: I’m not much different than you.

DOUGLAS: Oh yeah?

SEAN: I’m just trying to survive, too.

DOUGLAS: What you surviving from?

SEAN: Different ocean, same sharks.

DOUGLAS: Smart cat on our hands.

SEAN: I don’t drink.

DOUGLAS: No. I wouldn’t expect you do.

SEAN: Maybe I will.

DOUGLAS: No, you don’t want no piece of that.

  • To read the full one-act ePlay, find purchase link below:

Imagined It To Be by Joseph ArnoneIn the one act eplay Imagined It To Be, Douglas washes cars for cash in the streets of a wealthy neighborhood.  After teasing a teenage schoolboy (Sean) he is given a free coffee from him.  Both Sean and Douglas come from completely different environments, but despite their differences, form a connection that they may not even be fully aware of.  1 Teen, 1 Man.  Drama.

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