I Need a Drink

A 2 woman comedy scene from the 1 act play script Lunch With the Enemy about co-workers getting in the way of one another.

TARA: I need a drink.

ELLA: Call me selfish, but I have been lonely, Tara. My life has become nothing more than binge watching TV shows and feeding my cat. It’s horrid.

TARA: I’ll take you out. Let’s go out this Friday instead, just me and you, and we’ll meet some new men. How about it?

ELLA: We’ve gone out together before and James is right, I’m sorry, but you are a bit of a drip.

TARA: What did you just say to me?

ELLA: You aren’t much for excitement.

TARA: That’s cause I know how to hold my liquor.

ELLA: It’s not that. You are a bit stiff is all. And there’s nothing wrong with being safe, if that’s your thing, but…I need more.

TARA: Right. Right, well…I guess I can try to imagine your perspective…I can try to understand why (trouble saying his name) Jam—es Du—PONT, is your cup of tea, really, I don’t know, well, good luck.

TARA turns her chair around, giving ELLA
her back.

ELLA: Tara, please don’t be this way.

TARA: Excuse me? Which way?

ELLA: Alright, I know you’re upset, I wouldn’t be a good friend if I wasn’t completely honest with you, right? Isn’t that what friendship is all about?

TARA: Hmm-mm.

ELLA: Do you want me–

TARA: YES, leave me alone, I have some work to do.

  • To read the full one-act ePlay, find purchase link below:

Lunch With The Enemy In this comedic one-act eplay, Tara is going bananas over the fact that her co-worker and close friend Ella had lunch with James Dupont the guy she can’t stomach, who also works with them.

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