I wouldn’t even go as far as to call me your friend.

Drama scene from the short play, “Stars of the Desert” about a son visiting his father and not realizing the significance of it until later.

CHIP: I’m not expectin’ anything.

HARRY: Oh, you have.

CHIP: That’s not true.

HARRY: You have, boy! All sons expect THINGS from their fathers. Things! Things! All kinds of little annoying things. From the moment you first set eyes on me you started whimpering and haven’t stopped since. Always crying about things for no damn reason when all you have to do is extend one of your own arms and grab what you want. Always expecting your old man to show you the way. Life ain’t about guidelines, it’s about discovery.

CHIP: Did ya think I would come?

HARRY: What’s it matter?

CHIP: I have things going on in my life…things you pulled me away from!

HARRY: You said you drove to these parts, I wasn’t the one holdin’ onto the steerin’ wheel, was I?

CHIP: I guess not.

HARRY: You arrived here on your own account.

Chip cracks open a beer, drinks, sits on a rock opposite his father.

CHIP: How’s it going out here?

HARRY: Don’t ask me that, you know I can’t stand small talk.

CHIP: Making conversation.

HARRY: Don’t make conversation, just have a conversation Chip. It’s all so intellectual with you. My boy’s got a big mind. A BIG MIND made of mud! Problem with your kind, don’t know how to look anyone in the eyes and…what’s the use?

CHIP: What’s eating at ya?

HARRY: The world! The entire spinnin’ globe I rest my achey feet on. Swollen. Puss. Maggots! Would like to kick the sh’t out of all these minds thinkin’ they run the world! Thinkin’ they can get away with it forever, like we don’t notice, like we ain’t smart like em’, can you imagine? They think we’ll trot along like this forever…(chuckles) Ahhh, it’ll last for a while alright but we’ve got em’, we’ll always have em’.

CHIP: What are you saying Pop?

HARRY: You won’t understand.

CHIP: …Are you doing okay, Pop?

HARRY: Harry.

CHIP: What??

HARRY: Harry! My name. Call me by my name Son. I’m only a man who gave you free passage to come to this place we so call Earth. That’s all I am. That’s all I’ve ever been. I wouldn’t even go as far as to call me your friend. We’re strangers. It’s better that way. Two strangers who happen to bump into one another once in a while because we’re passing through. I go my way, you go yours…that’s what we are..it’s…what else are we supposed to be? ..I’m good knowing that either of us can get up and go without explanation, without condemnation..eagles fly alone.

CHIP: You sayin’ you’re an eagle, Pop?

HARRY: I’m sayin’ I could very well be any damn thing I please in this life…

CHIP: I know.

HARRY: Don’t give me that I know bullsh’t. You don’t know sh’t if it hit you in the face.

To read the full one-act ePlay, find purchase link below:

Stars of the Desert by Joseph ArnoneIn the one act eplay Stars of the Desert, Chip visits his father out in the desert after receiving an intense phone call and not hearing back from him.  1 Woman, 2 Men.  Drama/Serio-Comedy.

Purchase ePlay

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