Middle of Nowhere

In Middle of Nowhere, Vance reveals his ultimate dream for the life he imagines with his girlfriend Selena, but it can all blow up in his face when he does.

VANCE: Selena, it’s always been my dream to give us a good life. Don’t you know that? Don’t you know I work as hard as I do for us? When I fell in love with you, it became about you and me…I stopped being that selfish bachelor and started imagining our future together.

It’s all I ever think about.

You changed my life. I want to be a better man because you’re in my life. I want to give you everything.

When I first came out here and visited this land, something went through me…call it intuition, a feeling of some kind. I never felt this magnetic pull before with anything in my life other than wanting to be with you.

So, I walked around this valley for days and my mind opened up to all its possibilities. You may see the downside to it, but that’s because you haven’t opened yourself up to its potential.

There is so much we can achieve, together out here…it’s insane, if you just give it a chance.

Please, let me drive through our valley, let me take you through my dream, let me show you everything I’m thinking and feeling about this place, all its possibilities, and if you don’t see eye to eye with me on this, then guess what? You can sell it, we have thirty days, it’s in the contract and everything’s in your name, like I said…you have full power over things, and I did that because I need you to trust me, and because I love you.

  • To read the full one-act ePlay, find purchase link below:

Middle of NowhereIn this one-act ePlay, Vance surprises his girlfriend with land he has purchased with their money.  Selena is furious and hurt for what he did, without confiding in her first.

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