It was only a dream.

Drama scene from the one-act eplay, “Hidden Rage,” wherein Wesley and his wife Linda discuss the odd things Wesley has been doing lately.

WESLEY: What the hell do you think he’s suffering from?

LINDA: Like I said, Cheryl thinks it’s a mid-life crisis. But, I’m not so sure.

Linda returns with the whiskey. Hands Wesley his glass and sits back on the couch.

WESLEY: Why aren’t you so sure?

LINDA: He looked manic.

WESLEY: Did he?

LINDA: Oh, for sure.

WESLEY: Crazed.

LINDA: As if the world had fallen out right from under him.

WESLEY: Well, should I approach him?

LINDA: Talk to him?

WESLEY: See if he’s –

LINDA: Could try, wouldn’t hurt, but –


LINDA: After what you just shared with me about yourself, I’m not certain it’s a good idea.


LINDA: What if…

WESLEY: No, I wouldn’t.

LINDA: But –

WESLEY: Linda, I have a much stronger disposition than Martin.

LINDA: He could have a negative influence on you.

WESLEY: Don’t be silly.

LINDA: I’d stay away from him for now.

WESLEY: Linda –

LINDA: Until you fix your own problem.

WESLEY: Problem? Now I have a problem?

LINDA: Whatever it is you’re going through.

WESLEY: What am I –

LINDA: You think I don’t see it?


LINDA: You misplace things.


LINDA: The other day I found your Rolex in the bathroom sink!

WESLEY: Why would I place my Rolex in the bathroom sink?

LINDA: You tell me.

WELSEY: That’s odd.

LINDA: I know it is.

WESLEY: I would never –

LINDA: And your shoes were left in your car.


LINDA: You parked your car behind my car, and I couldn’t get out. I moved your car out of the way, but before I did, you had left your dress shoes on the mat, drivers side. It explains why you entered the house barefoot, but I had thought you simply left your shoes at the front entrance.

WESLEY: The brown shoes?


WESLEY: I don’t remember doing that? Why would I do such a thing as that, Linda?

LINDA: (wiping her eye) I don’t know.

WESLEY: It’s concerning.

LINDA: Maybe you’ve had too much to think about lately. Were you driving drunk?

WESLEY: No…of course not.

LINDA: You have been drinking more.

WESLEY: I don’t know. No, I don’t think it’s the drink. A few drinks in the evening have only helped me think. What else have I done?

LINDA: While sleeping, during the middle of the night, you shouted out,” Angie! Angie!”

WESLEY: Who the hell is Angie?

LINDA: You tell me!

WESLEY: I don’t know an Angie. Who is Angie? Angie who?

LINDA: If you’re seeing someone…tell me now.

WESLEY: Linda, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Did I say anything else?

LINDA: When?

WESLEY: In my dream! In my dream!

LINDA: You only kept calling out, “Angie, Angie, Angie.”

WESLEY: And was it sad, angry, euphoric, what?

LINDA: Pleading.

WESLEY: I was pleading?


WESLEY: I’ve never known an Angie in all my life.

LINDA: Is it your lover?

WESLEY: Lover?! What lover?! I’m on the verge of losing my mind, and all you care about is whether I have a lover? You’re my lover! YOU! YOU! My wife! The woman I love…

LINDA: Really?

WESLEY: Yes, really! What’s wrong with you? I’m here with you every evening… I’ve never even –

LINDA: But her name, you kept repeating it.

WESLEY: It was a dream, Linda. Let’s not both lose our minds at the same damn time.

LINDA: (sadly) Wesley…


LINDA: You were crying. I’ve never seen you cry.

WESLEY: It was only a dream.

LINDA: Just a dream?

WESLEY: You are the woman I am with, the woman I am sharing my life with. It was only a dream.

Linda kisses Wesley. He kisses her back.

WESLEY: I’m…I’m…

LINDA: I know.

Linda kisses Wesley.

You are going to be fine my love. Everything is going to be fine.

  • To read the full one-act ePlay, find purchase link below:

Hidden Rage by Joseph ArnoneIn the one-act eplay, “Hidden Rage” Wesley talks to his wife about how he doesn’t like being the person that he is, but knows deep down that he doesn’t think he will ever change.  1 Woman, 1 Man. Drama.

Purchase ePlay

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