Top of the Mornin’

In comedy monologue, “Top of the Mornin’,” Sammy tells Bruce all about the shopping cart that knocked him down, while crossing the road.

SAMMY: Yeah. Hey, that’s fine. You’re not in the mood. Alright. Yeah. Hey, you know what, bud? I’m not in the mood either. Hey, you wouldn’t believe the sort of troubles I had goings on to come over here, really. F’kn’ crossin’ the street, gettin’ hit by a renegade shopping cart. No, really. Some turd, a ghost maybe, I don’t know, who, who could it be? Who could be thrashin’ a cart ’round like that? Maybe the wind? Somehow it’s shootin’ down the hill, wheels blazin’, streakin’, Superman without a cape, alright, blastin’ right into me, top of the mornin’. Cold outside. I’m flipped over, seein’ my breath mergin’ with the sky. Thought I croaked or some sh’t, but the pain in my elbow, my knee, left knee, ankle — THE WHOLE LEFT SIDE — crushed from that stupid metal cart. Now. Bright side. Wanna know the bright side?

Bruce makes a face.

The bright side, buddy boy, is that — an’ I don’t care to know how, or which way, or why — the bright side is that there was THIS (holding up a pocket watch). Unscathed. No scratches. Perfect condition. Mint. Antique. Polished and beamin’. Worth somethin’? I think so.

I definitely think so, buddy. Here, bud, gimme what you got. (places watch on Bruce’s desk) …How much?

  • To read the full one-act ePlay, find purchase link below:

Top of the Mornin' by Joseph ArnoneIn the one-act eplay, “Top of the Mornin’,” Sammy shows up at his friend Bruce’s Pawn Shop to sell him a watch, only to discover that Bruce is on the outs with his wife and has been sleeping in the store for the past few days.  2 Men.  Comedy.

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Joseph Arnone