You ain’t ever kissed before?

Drama scene from one-act eplay, “Cartwheel Leaf”, Filipina admits that she likes a guy that everyone always makes fun of.

FILIPINA: …How’d you end off with Goldilocks?

RIZA: Me and Goldy are cool. Who knows? (Beat.) What about you?

FILIPINA: What about me?

RIZA: You never talk about guys.


RIZA: You into guys?

FILIPINA: ‘Course.

RIZA: Brian was feeling you.

FILIPINA: Eh, I wasn’t…don’t know. He’s not my type.

RIZA: You’ve been close with a guy before?

FILIPINA: …I don’t know…

RIZA: You ain’t ever kissed before?

FILIPINA: Yeah, I’ve kissed.

RIZA: Who?

FILIPINA: Before I moved here.

RIZA: Yeah?


RIZA: (Letting it go.)


FILIPINA: I like Cricket.


FILIPNA: Yeah, Cricket’s cute.

RIZA: CRICKET??!! For real?!


RIZA: That’s mad.

FILIPINA: So, what?

RIZA: Cricket…he’s like the last…everybody beats on him though…why you feelin’ Cricket?

FILIPINA: He’s kind to me. I like how he doesn’t act confident around me…he’s himself…awkward…I like that there’s no hidden agenda..and I like that he’s, I don’t know, he’s weird, unusual, shy, but smart..really smart..even though he doesn’t look smart. I like that about him. He’s soft-spoken, which I also like, ’cause I come from a loud family. Everyone shouting all of the time, so his voice is soothing. He likes comics and graphic novels and he’s got me into some cool Anime. I just like that he’s himself.

RIZA: He’s a bit odd though.

FILIPINA: What do you find odd about him?

RIZA: He tags along, never participates.

FILIPINA: He’s…he’s a bit in his own world, I guess.

To read the full one-act ePlay, find purchase link below:

Cartwheel Leaf by Joseph ArnoneIn the one-act eplay, “Cartwheel Leaf” Riza warns Filipina about a guy she likes, claiming he comes from a crazy family and that there are serious rumors about bad things taking place.  2 Teen Women, 1 Teen Man.  Drama.

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