11 Teen Scenes for Young Performers

11 Teen Scenes for Young Performers provide original comedy/drama scenes from short published play scripts from contemporary writing.

11 Teen Scenes for Young Performers

You ain’t ever kissed before?” from CARTWHEEL LEAF
Filipina gets warned by her friend Riza for liking a guy she thinks comes from a bad family.

We’re nowhere…so we probably don’t mean nothin’.” from FOR ALL WE’VE GOT
Luna isn’t satisfied with the way her life is going and she expresses her worries to her best friend about how they should find a better way to live their lives.

She’s got a diary, you know.  You’re in it.” from PIPER’S COMING HOME
A group of teen misfits live together in an abandoned building and when one of them comes back home from rehab, their is a major disturbance among the group.

I wish you would explode like a grenade.” from SEE ME AS A STRANGER
Gordy is behind the eight ball in life and now he’s a father and doesn’t know the first thing about being a good one.

Aren’t you going to try your eggs?”  from TREAT ME NICE
Corinne is a good daughter who caters to her ill mother day and night and receives no love or appreciation for her efforts.

11 Scenes for Teens from Theatrical Plays

It’s a quiet place to chat.” from THEM CANDLES
Kendra fights her mother to have a normal life despite her breathing condition but her mother is relentless and stops her at every turn because of her concerns.

Our town is the pits.” from ACID TASTE
Three teenage girls venture out to their neighborhood polluted lake for a swim dare.

How did you find me?” from CHECKING IN
A teenage son finds his father after years of abandonment because of a promise made to his deceased mother.

You were giving up.” from OTHER SIDE OF THE CHASM
Chad has given up on his dreams of going to school to pursue his career, but his friend Lea sees his full potential and fights for him to get back on track.

Can I make a confession?” from SIREN IN THE NIGHT
Crystal is a teen runaway who finds an old friend’s father who wishes to help her get back on her feet again.

You should be more careful driving in the rain, Mr. Moss.” from DESPITE THE RAIN
Elizabeth is a young clairvoyant sought after by a private investigator for help with a case.

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