15 Scenes Revolving Around Dating 

15 Scenes Revolving Around Dating digs into the nitty gritty of various issues that may come up inside relationships.

All of the scenes shared here come from our growing collection of contemporary play scripts.  Each week, MB produces new play scenes we encourage you to use.

15 Scenes Revolving Around Dating

We’ve zeroed in on the topic of partners and have gone all in on finding you scenes from our published plays here at Monologue Blogger.

Have a look below to see if something grabs your attention that you feel you can use for acting practice or drama class.

We would also like to point you to our 10 Scenes from Scripts on Couple Issues (related topic) you may also find as interesting material worth exploring.

You may also like 10 Intense Scenes Featuring Couples in Conflict

Hopefully, we’ve provided you with some good characters and stories to choose from.  If you like what we do, please share our resource with your community.  Thanks!  =)

You don’t ever let your mind wander?  from WHAT WE IMAGINE
Through Jesse and Felix’s imagination game, they discover that they have genuine feeling for one another.

Do you think he will hate me forever?  from NO GOODBYE
Boby and Ally are breaking up, and try to figure out how to go about sharing their dog Dutchie.

Aren’t you tired of being insane?  from HOUSE ON THE LEFT
Sharon fears that her marriage to Bruce is going to end, and as a last attempt at salvaging their relationship, decides to go on a holiday without him.

I have given you everything of me, and I have failed.  from FACES ON THE EDGE OF SPRING
Jeanne believes that Franco has been having an affair, which has resulted in her falling out of love with him.

Every day there’s some dramatic event unfolding in this house.  from A DARK HEART
Ever since Martha and Henrick adopted Filippa into their family, their biological children have been extremely difficult, causing a strain in Martha and Henrick’s marriage.

Isn’t intuition a higher level than logic?  from THE ACHIEVER
The Achiever must leave the woman he loves in order to alter the fate of humanity for the better.

Didn’t you say you were inviting me out?  from CHARADE
Two lovers are out for dinner having a good time, until tensions flare up because neither one of them wish to pay the bill.

Relationship Scenes for Couples

What the hell you doing out in the rain?  from DRENCHED TO THE BONE
Miles drops in on his ex-girlfriend Candace unexpectedly, simply because he misses her.

Can I confess something to you?  from WAKING HOURS
A truth comes out between Willis and Susan after Willis shares with Susan a tragic event he believes he witnessed regarding two birds.

It was only a dream.  from HIDDEN RAGE
Wesley has been falling inside himself emotionally, and asks his wife for a lifeline before he sinks any further.

May I read the Letter? from AGATHA’S LETTER
Georgette makes a painful confession to Milo regarding his dead wife.

What was the point of going out into the rain?  from THE VISITANT
Rick and Lara have become consumed with the blind man standing on the corner of their property.

What’s wrong with a bit of fun?  from I’M SORRY YOU’RE SO BEAUTIFUL
Amanda and Jake have been seeing one another after work, but Amanda feels it’s all becoming too much, and may jeopardize their jobs.

Aren’t we being like those people in the movies, Gus?  from FALL NO FURTHER
Mel indirectly lets her husband know how much she loves him for fear of ever losing him.

Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters? from VIN ROGUE
Rianna is planning to go off to New York and her boyfriend is accepting of it, so much so that Rianna gets angry with him.

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